
Bylaws of the International Society for Construction Sciences, Inc.


Section 1. Name

  1. The name of this organization is the International Society for Construction Sciences, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the “Organization”; an Arkansas not-for-profit corporation.


Section 1. Governing Authority

  1. The Organization is governed and operated in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas, the certificate of incorporation, and these bylaws.


Section 1. Purpose

  1. The purpose of the Organization is to provide a medium at the international level for advancement of its objectives.
  2. Objectives: A professional organization with a focus on the member experience for networking, construction research and practical applications for the designer and skilled trade.

Section 2. Policy

  1. The name, funds, or influence of the Organization may be used only in support of this purpose.


Section 1. Governance of the Organization

  1. The management and direction of the Organization shall be delegated exclusively to its board.

Section 2. Composition of the Board

  1. The board shall consist of the president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, and director(s). The number of directors not less than one and not to exceed the number to be set by policy and adjusted as needed. The board shall always be an even number of officers.
  2. The President is the Chair and a non-voting member of the board. An even number of a board allows for an odd number of voting members. Unless there is a tie, then the president breaks the tie.
  3. An executive committee consisting of the president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer will convene as needed to handle day to day activities. No action can be carried out without the full vote of the Board.
  4. All officers and board members must be members in good standing of the Organization.

Section 3. Committees, Duties, and Expenses

  1. The board shall select all standing and special committees, designate duties, and may authorize compensation for justifiable expenses.

Section 4. Meetings

  1. The board shall schedule monthly business meetings. Special meetings shall only be held upon the call of the president or a majority of the board upon seven days by electronic notice.

Section 5. Quorum

  1. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. Officers or directors may grant proxy votes if unable to attend a meeting.

Section 6. Office Vacancy

  1. Should a vacancy occur in any office of the Organization, the board shall by two-thirds affirmative votes of the board’s membership fill such vacancy by appointment of a member eligible by all other criteria for the duration of the unexpired term.


Section 1. President

  1. The president shall serve as chair of the board; preside at all Organization meetings; select the chairs of temporary committees; be an ex officio member of all committees; and sign all agreements and formal instruments.
  2. The president shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected. The president shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 2. President-Elect

  1. The president-elect shall serve upon the absence of the president and perform other duties as assigned by the board.
  2. The president-elect shall serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected.

Section 3. Secretary

  1. The secretary shall see that notices are sent at least seven days in advance of all meetings of the board and of the Organization and keep accurate minutes thereof. The secretary shall maintain a file of all correspondence; keep a roster of members and committees; co-sign with the president, all agreements and formal instruments as approved by the board, except those pertaining to the office of treasurer; and submit a report of office at the annual meeting. The secretary shall perform other duties as assigned by the board.
  2. The secretary shall serve for a term of two years, expiring in odd numbered years, or until a successor is elected.

Section 4. Treasurer

  1. The treasurer shall collect and receipt for monies and securities; deposit funds and disburse and dispose of the same subject to the direction of the board; keep accurate books of account; submit a report at board meetings; and submit a report of office at the annual meeting. The treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned by the board.
  2. The treasurer shall serve for a term of two years, expiring in even numbered years, or until a successor is elected.

Section 5. Immediate Past President

  1. The immediate past president shall be the former president of the Organization who has completed the most recent term, serve as chair of the nominating committee, and have other assignments as prescribed by the president or the board.


Section 1. Officers

  1. Officers and directors shall be elected to those offices as established by Article IV by the members of the Organization. The current president-elect shall assume without election the office of president and the current president shall assume without election the office of immediate past president.
  2. An officer or director who has served 2 full consecutive terms is eligible to serve again after a 1 year absence from the Board.

Section 2. Transition

  1. Each elected officer and board member shall take office on January 1.

Section 4. Directors Terms

  1. The term of office for director(s) shall be staggered two-year terms with half of the directors being elected each year.

Section 5. Nominations and Voting

  1. A nominating committee shall be appointed by the board not later than July 20.
  2. The nominating committee shall prepare a list of nominees, showing at least one name for each elected position on the board due to become vacant, and present the list electronically to the Organization at an Organization’s October meeting.
  3. The nominating committee shall prepare the ballot. Each voting member of the Organization shall be provided with an electronic ballot at least two weeks prior to the ballot count. For purposes of Organization elections, voting members shall include all members in good standing. The winner shall be the candidate who receives the most votes for the position. Ties shall be resolved by coin toss in presence of the board.
  4. The ballots shall be counted and certified no later than the end of November, by tellers appointed by the president, and the results shall be reported to the members.


Section 1. Qualifications

  1. The qualifications for membership shall conform to the requirements of these Bylaws.

Section 2. Classifications

  1. Professional Members shall be technically experienced individuals whose primary function is to author, manage, or communicate building information; to create, interpret, or use construction documents; or to educate, research, support, or assist the construction industry.
    1. Professional Members shall be eligible to vote and to hold any office in the Organization.
  2. Members Emeritus shall have been Professional Members in good standing in the Organization for the past consecutive 10 years, shall have reached the age of 65 years, and shall have been recommended for such change in status by documented application to the Secretary of the Organization. Members so qualified may, upon approval of their application by the Board, be granted the status of Member Emeritus.
    1. Members Emeritus shall retain the rights and privileges held at the time of application for change in status, and shall be entitled to print and otherwise use, as a suffix to their name, the title Member Emeritus following the initials iSCS.
    2. Exceptions to the above can be requested by an individual by documented application to the Board to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Section 3. Membership Status Change Requests

  1. The board shall consider requests for change to emeritus status.

Section 4. Removal

  1. The provisions of the Organization Policy for disqualification, suspension, expulsion, and reinstatement of members shall govern.

Section 5. Acceptance

  1. Upon receipt and acceptance of an electronic membership application and the payment of dues, an applicant for membership shall become a member of the Organization. Acceptance of membership in the Organization shall not impart or convey membership to any chapter.

Section 6. Members’ Right to Use Organization Name

  1. Professional Members in good standing shall be entitled to use the initials “iSCS” as a suffix to their name, or the title “Professional Member of the International Society for Construction Sciences,” or both.

Section 7. Duration of Membership and Resignation

  1. Any member may withdraw from the Organization by giving notice in writing to the President 60 days prior to the date of withdrawal, but this shall not relieve the member of liability for all dues or other obligations in arrears. All rights, privileges and interests of a member in or to the Organization shall cease on the termination of membership. Dues shall not be subject to refund in the event of resignation.B. If a member fails to pay dues, policy will dictate action.

Section 8. Termination of Membership

  1. Membership shall be terminated: (1) by resignation from the Organization, (2) by default in payment of obligations to the Organization or its components under the conditions prescribed in the Policy of the Organization (3) for violation of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct pursuant to Organizations Policy (4) by the death of the individual in the membership.


Section 1. Annual Meeting

  1. The annual meeting of the Organization shall be held before the end of the fiscal year, at which time committee reports shall be submitted. The secretary shall submit a report on the activities of the Organization during the past term of office. The treasurer shall submit an annual report of the finances of the Organization. A copy of these reports shall be sent to the secretary.

Section 2. Meetings

  1. One annual meeting shall be held per year, except when otherwise decreed by the board. Other meetings to be determined by policy.
  2. “Meetings” are defined as regular board meetings, Organization meetings, and special meetings. They may be held in person, by audio, video, or computer-based teleconferencing technology that allows all persons participating to hear each other at the same time. Meetings held via teleconference are the rule with "in person" meetings being the exception.

Section 3. Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings may be called whenever the majority of the board deems it necessary, or upon written request by not less than one-tenth of the Organization members. The business at special meetings shall be limited to that for which the meeting was called.

Section 4. Minutes

  1. Minutes of regular and special meetings shall be distributed to the members.

Section 5. Business Conduct

  1. These bylaws, together with the applicable provisions Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of business of the Organization.


  1. Endorsements of Enterprises. The Organization shall not sponsor or endorse any enterprise whether public or private, operated for profit.
  2. Endorsements of Materials. No officer, director, committee member, or employee of the Organization or any of its component organizations in his or her official capacity shall approve, sponsor, endorse, or do anything that may be deemed or construed to be an approval, sponsorship, or endorsement of any material of construction or any method or manner of handling, using, distributing, or dealing in any material or product.
    C. If and while affiliation will promote the purposes and objects of the Organization, any national organization may be affiliated with the Organization unless the other organization was formed, used, or maintained for financial gain, price-fixing, or political purposes.


Section 1. Calendar

  1. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 2. Dues

  1. The annual Organization dues shall be set by the board. Any change in the dues structure shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of those board members present at a regularly scheduled meeting. Members Emeritus shall not be subject to dues.
  2. Dues are set for individual members. If an organization wishes to purchase multiple memberships for its employees or members, the dues will be reduced by a percentage to be set by policy.


Section 1. Audit Committee

  1. The board shall appoint a committee to audit the books and transactions of the treasurer at the close of the fiscal year. This report shall be read at the next regular meeting of the members of the Organization


Section 1. Amendment Proposal

  1. Proposed amendments to these Organization bylaws shall first be submitted to the Organization secretary for approval. After Organization secretary approval, they shall then be publicized electronically or otherwise sent to each member two weeks prior to a regular or special electronic meeting.

Section 2. Voting

  1. Following publication, the amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the voting members present at the regular or special meeting.

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